About this site

Virtually Varsity is an independent publication launched in 2017 that was born from a love of College Lax dot US forum debates.

It was founded by Jordan Harris, a former BYU Lacrosse player and coach and has been an evolving platform to try and give the MCLA more coverage and eyeballs.

To date, Virtually Varsity has earned $0.00 and sometimes the copyediting reflects that. Forgive any mistakes.

Part of generating discussion means taking strong stances, but we are big believers in strong opinions weakly held. If you have disagreements or corrections, send them our way!

Mostly, we want this to be fun. Fun for coaches to know that people care about their teams. Fun for players to know that their game on Saturday is being talked about on Monday. Fun for fans to learn more about the league and where their favorite team stands.

Thanks for taking some times to check it out and read!

If you have feedback feel free to send it directly to jordan@virtuallyvarsity.com